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About Us

Program Overview

Our children participate in a variety of developmentally appropriate educational activities during the school day. Prekindergarten children are active learners. They discover their world by direct experiences. Within our classrooms, the children are provided with opportunities to:

  • manipulate materials
  • choose activities
  • solve problems
  • use small and large muscles
  • communicate with other children and adults
  • take care of one's own needs within a carefully planned daily routine

The identification process is initiated through a referral from Early Steps or by contacting the Child Find specialist at (305) 274-3501.  Your child will be given a screening evaluation to determine if further testing is needed.  If needed, the other evaluations will include: hearing, vision, speech/language, psychological, and educational.

After the evaluation is completed, the parent or guardian will be contacted by the Prekindergarten Staffing Specialist to attend a staffing conference to discuss the results of the evaluation, determine eligibility for services, and placement.

If it is determined at the staffing conference that your child does need specially designed instruction in the Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be written which will include educational goals to be carried out during the school day along with any relevant educationally related therapies. A program placement and school will be assigned during the development of the IEP. However, the parent must register the child at the designated school before he/she can access services or attend classes.

In order to register to access services with a school. The parent must provide the following documents to the designated school:

  • the child's birth certificate (official copy with state seal or other document providing date of birth
  • the Certificate of Immunization (DH Form 680) and the Student Physical Examination form (DH Form 3040) as well as TB Clinical Screening
  • two proofs of address (e.g., electric bill, deed, or rental agreement)
  • other school registration forms (e.g., emergency contact card)
  • copy of Individual Education Plan
  • Exceptionalities Served

    In our classrooms, a certified teacher works with prekindergarten children with the following disabilities:

    • Autism Spectrum Disorder
    • Deaf/Hard of Hearing
    • Developmentally Delayed
    • Dual Sensory Impaired
    • Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities
    • Intellectual Disabilities
    • Orthopedically Impaired
    • Other Health Impaired
    • Specific Learning Disabled
    • Speech/Language Impaired
    • Traumatic Brain Injured
    • Visually Impaired
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    Our Curriculum


    provides a rich foundation while promoting independence, decision making, cooperation, creativity, and problem solving in young children.

    Conscious DISCIPLINE

    is a comprehensive classroom management program that empowers both teachers and students.

    Early Literacy with TELL ME

    is a comprehensive program that teaches foundational communication skills, and builds vocabulary, word awareness, and concepts of print through shared reading and shared writing activities.

    Social Skills

    Autism curriculum with a focus on inclusion, peer-mediated intervention, and evidence based data driven decision making.

    About our Curriculum

    There are multiple elements to our curriculum including: a focus on developmentally appropriate practices, brain based social skills development, early literacy development, as well as specialized instructional approaches utilized in our settings for children with Autism or Intellectual Disabilities. To learn more about the different components of the curriculum utilized in our classrooms, follow the link below.

    More Info

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    Program Models

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    Meet Our District Staff

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    A  multidisciplinary team of professionals

    have been brought together at the Prekindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities to assist families of PreK aged children to access the services they will need to help meet their child's special needs . 

    Our director, supervisor, staffing specialists, social workers, speech and language pathologists, autism support specialists, multiply impaired specialists, teachers, paraprofessionals, and clerks all work together to make the transition into Miami-Dade County Public Schools

    Family Education

    is provided by the PreKindergarten Program for Children with Disabilities. Families, who understand their child's disability, are aware of community resources available to them, and understand their child's educational program, will be better prepared to incorporate this information in daily living. More information is available through the family resources page.

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    Contact Us

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    Email address:

    Visit our Office

    5555 SW 93rd Avenue
    Miami, FL 33165

    Call us

    Phone number:
    (305) 271-5701